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Dr. Phil: 11x226

Young and Reckless/Ask Dr. Phil

When Dr. Phil first met eye-rolling, defiant 16-year-old Sabby, she was too much for her mother, Courtney, to handle. After the show, Dr. Phil sent Sabby to Turn-About Ranch, a residential facility for troubled teens, where after 16 weeks, she was making progress — until Courtney cut short the teen’s treatment and took her home. Now, Courtney says Sabby is smoking marijuana, having sex and has dropped out of school — behavior that Courtney says has also rubbed off on Sabby’s 14-year-old sister. Courtney pleads for Dr. Phil’s help once again — is it too late to get this out-of-control teen back on the right track? Then, Lisa says her 15-year-old son, Brandon, is a “raging lunatic” who smokes marijuana and has assaulted her, his stepfather, Tom, and other children — and she fears he’ll end up dead or seriously hurting someone. Brandon admits that he loses control when he’s angry but says that he just wants his parents to butt out of his life.

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